Montague Ullman’s Seminal Work Krippner, Emery, Sturzenacker, Potts

Mena E. Potts, Chair Our panel presents five diverse applications of Ullman's seminal research. Stanley Krippner takes us into Maimonides Dream Laboratory. Marcia Emery presents astrological and precognitive dream research. Gloria Sturzenacker delineates the authentic stages of Ullman’s Experiential Dream Group Process. Dominic Potts discloses examples of subtle language selection and nuanced dialectics Ullman employed in his communications. Mena Potts presents "Psychohistorical Dreamwork," which applies Ullman’s Experiential Dream Group Process. Perchance to Dream, Telepathically Stanley Krippner When Montague Ullman invited me to direct the Dream Laboratory he founded at Brooklyn's Maimonides Medical Center, I had a comfortable position at a state university. Monte and I stretched the funding for our telepathic dream studies into ten years, producing over 100 articles, a monograph, and a book, Dream Telepathy. In addition to our close professional relationship, we developed a friendship that was mutually gratifying as we congratulated each other during periods of triumph and consoled each other during periods of loss. This was truly a "dream relationship," one that changed my life forever. Revisiting Astrological Indicators of Precognitive Dreams Marcia Emery Vivid precognitive dreams have visited me since 1970. Curiosity about this phenomenon led to exploratory research studies I conducted and presented at IASD conferences from1987-1992. The fifth study, “The Relationship between Astrology and Precognitive Dreaming,” tested the astrology hypothesis and found it significant for the precognitive dreams of Alan Vaughan, co-author of Dream Telepathy. The astrological indicators of precognitive dreams will be revisited so anyone can use these criteria to assess the validity of a precognitive dream as soon as it occurs. The Ullman Method: Influential and Often Misunderstood Gloria Sturzenacker Dr. Ullman’s practice as a psychotherapist convinced him that ordinary people can help each other understand their dreams, and he dedicated his life to “extending dreamwork beyond the consulting room.” The Ullman Method is widely known in name, but not in essence. Its safety and discovery factors result from unfolding a dream in carefully delineated stages. Although the entire process follows the dreamer’s lead, the familiar “If this were my dream” is associated with a limited part of it. The Role of Language in Montague Ullman’s "Language of Dreams" Dominic J. Potts This presentation explores Montague Ullman’s monumental legacy to dream aficionados: the “Language of Dreams." Beneath Monte’s urbane, erudite, genial exterior lay a dialectical mastery of self expression that imbued his work with vividness, clarity, and puissance, culminating in his unique “Language of Dreams.” Illustrations and handouts of Ullman’s deft, dialectical language selection, masterful phrasing, and artful sequencing will be provided to sharpen our own communicational acumen.