Revolution in Consciousness Rev. Michael Beckwith et al.

In these times of critical shift, standing up for a compassionate, sustainable, and just new society is the most exciting conversation on the planet. As the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, pointed out: "... If we are to get on the right side of the world revolution, then we as a nation must undergo a radical revolution of values." Now clearly beyond all connotations of violence or unconscious disruption, the word has taken on new meaning for the future that at once brings us back to the roots of independent thought, and our democracy as spiritually motivated citizens. In essence, it's all about evolution. What IS the Evolution of Revolution? Standing on the premise that it is rooted in consciousness, we begin our journey by exploring the archives of thought that reveal "shift points" in the the way society has understood spirituality, science, and social governance throughout history. The Leadership Council of the Association for Global New Thought share dynamic passages that forever changed the prevailing worldview. Dr. Michael Beckwith weaves these into a case for the evolution of consciousness, itself, demonstrating that historic shift-points always amplify some seed of perennial wisdom that holds a key to our common future.