Paediatrics I Adams, Alcantara, Liodden et al.

Chair: Sunita Vohra, Gro Berntsen Adverse events of medicinal herbs in children and adolescents: a systematic review Adams, Denise – O-001 A retrospective analysis of infants with postural torticollis receiving chiropractic care Alcantara, Joel – O-002 Perioperative acupuncture and postoperative acupressure prevent postoperative vomiting in children undergoing tonsillectomy and/or adenoidectomy Liodden, Ingrid – O-003 Atopic diseases and homeopathic therapy in paediatrics Rossi, Elio – O-004 Laser acupuncture and probiotics in school age children with asthma: A randomised, placebo controlled pilot study of therapy guided by principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine Stockert, Karin – O-005 Traditional Chinese medicine for treatment of cerebral palsy in children: a systematic review of randomized clinical trials Zhang, Yuqing – O-006