Distinguish Worth and the Worthwhile Masaki Ichinose, Feng Jun, Heidi Hurd

The Separation or Unity of Economics and Ethics Considered from the Perspective of Chinese Culture by Prof. Feng Jun (Executive Vice President, China Executive Leadership Academy Pudong) Whether economics and ethics are separate or united is a spotlight in the development of market economy. We will discuss it from the perspective of traditional Yi-Li relation (the relation of righteousness and profit, or relation of justice and interest), and look at the real practices in China today. ‘Confucian Businessman’ (Ru-Shang) is a morally successful practitioner who holds equally justice and profit, or who is a example set up for enhancement of morality in the circumstance of market economy. Our analysis is based upon principles such as putting sincerity and credibility first, the unity of justice and interest, and the combination of autonomy and heteronomy.