The Template and Wordbridger Juliet Carter

Juliet will be covering material ranging from the healing of the fundamental Human condition to the realignment of the cosmogenic order of the solar system. The Template is a holonomic model of transcendence that uncovers the dynamics of creation in intelligent and digestible terms as it bridges the geometric signal of light, Human bio-circuitry, the endocrine system, DNA restoration and the morphogenetic field to reveal the implicate order of manifest existence and the fractal nature of Human consciousness within the holography of the Universe. Ultimately the Template is a solution based system that will resurrect the original Human blueprint prior to our genetic modification. The Template Model answers our concerns about the present systemic failure of Earths governing systems that have led to the obvious path of terminal decline we now experience and offers an astounding, grounded and provable model to transcend this fear-based paradigm. The Template is a dynamic interactive system that reinstates humanities resonance with the harmonic geometries of light, returning us and our planet to the holistic space/time continuum.