Pleiadian Sound Healing Experience Dr. Fred Bell

We will not only study the intricate Biochemical, Electrical, Pre cursing and Resonance System of the human body, but also it's effects on the Planet, Solar System, and Universe! Starting with the immune system, we shall follow the body electric through its resonance from the physical plane well into the astral and beyond. This pathway has been proven to elevate consciousness and allow us entrance in to the great Hologram and beyond. Also we will examine the core of depression and the height of euphoria via actual demonstrations of Pleadian Science devices and Pleadian Sound. An examination of the hormonal operation of the human body, will take us on a voyage of, where our creativity comes from and where blockages often occur. We will have a glimpse into the darkness of the intelligence community and how ELF, Radiation, and Stealth Satellites have been postured to destroy our abilities to make rational decisions in life, thereby encouraging "Big Brother", to steal our Constitutional Freedoms! We will take a glimpse in to the scaler world as depicted in our book, "Rays of Truth, Crystals of Light, and the newest frontier, within the Andromedian Holographic "Star Gate Possibilities," as is being presented in the up coming book, "The Inside Track". This is more than a mini seminar, it is a virtual experience, with the possibly of a life long follow on!