The Somatic Enneagram Berbower, Saltzman, Isaacs

This panel of experts will focus on different body and energybased approaches to using the Enneagram as a growth tool. Each panelist will present material based on his or her area of expertise, and this will be followed by a moderated group discussion about working with the Enneagram somatically. Moderator: Sharon Berbower Sharon Berbower, M.S., MFT, is a psychotherapist in private practice in Berkeley, Calif.ifornia, where she has been passionate about the Enneagram for over twenty-five years. As an adjunct professor at John F. Kennedy University, she has taught graduate courses in the Enneagram for 18 years. Sharon has presented at serveral IEA conferences and co-teaches with Helen Palmer and Peter O’Hanrahan at the Trifold School of Enneagram Studies. Her life