(F5) HeartMath: Practical Science-based Tools for Personal, Social, and Global Transformation - Rollin McCarty

(F5) HeartMath: Practical Science-based Tools for Personal, Social, and Global Transformation—Rollin McCraty Experience a balanced blend of the science of how heart-brain coherence facilitates intuition, energetic connections, and intentions, using practical tools for building personal and global coherence. We will discuss the Global Coherence Initiative and surprising data that indicates how deeply intertwined we are in a two-way dialogue with the Earth at an energetic level. Rollin McCraty, PhD, is executive vice president and director of research at the Institute of HeartMath. He is a fellow of the American Institute of Stress, a visiting senior scholar at Claremont Graduate University, and a visiting professor at University of Alabama at Birmingham. He has coauthored and published numerous research papers.