Association for Transpersonal Psychology
August 2 - 5, 1990  *  Monterey, California
10  Opening Session -  Arny Mindell, Ph.D. & Amy Mindell, M.A.  1  $8.00
In-depth Workshops
01  Joining Individual & Planetary Dreambodies  - Arny Mindell, Ph.D. & Amy Mindell, M.A.  4  $28.00
02  Perestroika and Psychology - Viatcheslav (Slava) Loutchkov & Dulce Murphy  3  $21.00
03  Creativity in Business:  in the World But Not  of It - Michael Ray, Ph.D. & Lorna Catford, Ph.D. 3  $21.00
04  Seeing Through the Visisble World  - June Singer, Ph.D.	  3  $21.00	
05  Cinderella & Prince Charming Revisited: Masculine & Feminine at Midlife - Allan Chinen, M.D.  4  $28.00
06  Eternal Myths that Shape Women’s Lives -  Jennifer Woolger, M.A. & Roger Woolger, Ph.D.  4  $28.00
07  Noah’s Ark, Space Ship Earth & the Planet’s  Immune System - Se’an O’Laoire, M.A.	3  $21.00
08  Divine Embrace: The Meditative Practice of St. Teresa of Avila - Dwight Judy, Ph.D.  3  $21.00
Pre-Conference Institute
09  Modern Systems of Healing as Spiritual Disciplines - Achterberg, Dossey, Dossey & Lawlis	4  $28.00
Brief Workshops 
11  Classical & Contemporary Paradigms in  Management Models - Gail Trapnell, Ph.D.  1  $8.00
12  Couples Synthesis - Sheldon Kramer, Ph.D.  1  $8.00
14  Gender Blending In Western & Non-Western Cultures - Lourdes Arguelles, PhD. & Anne Rivero, M.A.  1  $8.00
15  Healing Your Prenatal & Birth Memories - Claire Etheridge, Ph.D.  1  $8.00
16  Jung, Bohm, Teilhard de Chardin: Reality &  Phenomena - James Upton, M.A.  1  $8.00
17  Kundalini: Chaos & Completion - Bonnie Greenwell, Ph.D.  1  $8.00
18  Loneliness, Rage, Delight: Passions in the  Spiritual Journey - Neva Walden, Ph.D.  1  $8.00
19  Mindfulness Meditation in Outpatient Stress  Reduction Program - Jon Kabat-Zinn, Ph.D.  1  $8.00
20  Nepalese Shamanism & Western Psychotherapy - Larry Peters, Ph.D.  1  $8.00
21  Partnership Dance - Ilene Serlin, Ph.D.  1  $8.00
22  The Practice of Gratitude - Jim McQuade, M.D.  1  $8.00
23  Teaching Transpersonal Psychology in Japan - Charles Wong, Ph.D.&Tomiaki Yamada, Ph.D.  1  $8.00
24  Transforming Narcissism: A Self Psychological Approach- B.Parlee, M.A. & K.Peoples, Ph.D.  1  $8.00
25  The Use of Meditative Techniques in  Supervision - William Dubin, Ph.D.  1  $8.00
26  Working Through Betrayal/Trust - Beth Hedva, Ph.D.  1  $8.00