May 22 - 27, 1994  Killarney, Ireland

01  Ralph Metzner, Trevor Sargent - "Sunday Opening Plenary" 1 $9
02  Edward Goldsmith - "The Way: An Ecological Worldview" 1 $9
03  Jakob von Uexkull - "Toward A People's Council for Sustainability" 1 $9
04  Roger Walsh - "The State of the Transpersonal Art" 1 $9
05  Jean Shinoda Bolen - "Crossing to Avalon" 1 $9
06  Angeles Arrien - "Basques & Old European Traditions" 1 $9
07  Nuala McDowell Ahern - "Spiritual Politics" 1 $9
08  Thomas Berry - "The Universe Story" 1 $9
09  Vandana Shiva - "Women, Ecology and Development" 1 $9
10  Jill Purce - "The Healing Voice" 1 $9
11  "Indigenous Cultures & Current Issues" - Cummings, Trask, LaDuke, et. al. 2 $17 (VIDEO AVAILABLE $29)
12  David Haenke, Clair Reiniger - "Bioregionalism's Past, Present, Future" 1 $9
13  Joan Marler, Padraigign McGillicuddy - "Archaeomythology" 1 $9
15  Michael & Justine Toms - "Work as Spiritual Practice" 1 $9
16  Alan Kanner, Mary Gomes - "With Earth in Mind" 1 $9
17  Patricia & Jeffry Winters - "Paganism, Psychiatry & Sustainable Lifestyle" 1 $9
18  Nityaprema - "The Sacred Erotic Earth" 1 $9
19  Brendan Kennelly,Noirin Ni Riain,David Whyte - "Monday Evening Program" 2 $17
20  Rupert Sheldrake - "Experiments that Could Change the World" 1 $9
21  Darrel Posey - "Animal Energies, Shamanic Transformation" 1 $9
22  Frances Vaughan - "Challenge of Change: Transpersonal Values" 1 $9
23  Wendy Sarkirssian - "Developing an Environmental Ethic" 1 $9
24  John Mohawk - "Indigenous Cultures Panel" 1 $9
27  Mililani Trask - "Hawaiian Self-Determination" 1 $9
28  David Steindl-Rast - "Deep Ecology: Angels & Children"
29  Mathew Fox - "Celtic & Native American Spirituality" 1 $9
30  John Nelson - "7 Steps to Transcendence" 1 $9
31  Metzner, Naess, Abram, Gomes, et.al. - "Deep Ecology & Ecopsychology" 2 $17
32  Erik Van Lennep - "Reclaiming the Forests" 1 $9
33  Dolores Whelan - "Celtic Spirituality: A Holy Embrace" 1 $9
34  David Lukoff - "Spiritual Emergencies & Ecological Distress" 1 $9
35  Michael Brennan - "Megalithic Calendar & Medicine Wheel Symbols" 1 $9
36  Tom Pinkson - "Listening to Elders" 1 $9
38  Ram Dass - "The Spirit of Service" 1 $9 (VIDEO AVAILABLE $29)
39  Alan Ereia - "Teachings of Elder Brothers" 1 $9
40  Jeanne Achterberg - "Feminine Power in Healing" 1 $9
41  Winona La Duke - "Community Based on Conquest" 1 $9
42  Robert Greenway - "Boundary Crossings" 1 $9
43  Arne Naess - "Ontology to Psychology" 1 $9      "
45  Christina Grof - "Thirst for Wholeness" 1 $9
46  David Abram - "Animism, Language, & Ecology of Experience" 1 $9
47  Helena Norberg-Hodge - "Ancient Futures: Learning from Ladakh" 1 $9
48  Ralph Metzner - "Mythic Images for Remembering the Earth" 1 $9
49  Christopher McLeod - "Why Are We Destroying Sacred Land?" 1 $9
50  Vivienne & Fritz Hull - "Celtic Christianity & A New Earth" 1 $9
51  Catherine & Douglas Harding - "Cosmic Dimension of Enlightenment" 1 $9
52  Ellerd, Kornfield, Walsh, et.al. - "Addiction, Recovery & Ecological Consciousness" 2 $17
53  Weil, McKenna, Grob, et.al. - "Natural Reverence & Sacred Paths" 1 $9
54  James Thornton, Will Keepin - "Bringing Spirituality to Eco-Activism" 1 $9
55  Steven & Robin Larsen - "Nature Mysticism in Joseph Campbell" 1 $9
56  Paul Devereux - "Shamanic Landscape" 1 $9
57  Evening Plenary: Georgia Kelley - Harp Music; Chungliang Al Huang - "Tao: The Watercourse Way" VIDEO ONLY
58  Peter Russell - "Spiritual Roots of Environmental Crisis" 1 $9      "
60  Stan Grof - "Transformation & Global Crisis" 1 $9
61  Bron Taylor - "Evoking the Ecological Self" 1 $9
62  Eunice McCarthy - "Celtic Goddess & Sacred Land 1 $9
63  Jack Kornfield - "The Body of the Buddha is the Body of the Earth" 1 $9
64  Satish Kumar - "Walking on Two Legs: Ecology & Spirituality" 1 $9
65  Michael Herity - "Pre-Christian Cult in Ireland" 1 $9
66  Jane Middleton-Moz - "Legacy of Generational Trauma" 1 $9
67  Allistair McIntosh - "Community, Place & Spirit" 1 $9
68  Norbert Mayer - "New Berserkers: Warriors for the Earth" 1 $9
69  Haenke, Berry, Reinger, et.al. - "Bioregionalism & Sustainable Community" 2 $17
70  Michael Morris - "Earthsong" 1 $9
71  John O'Donohue - "Stone as Tabernacle of Memory" 1 $9
72  Charles Grob - "Ayahuasca Use in the Amazon" 1 $9
73  Christian Ratsch - "Mead of Inspiration" 1 $9
74  David Whyte - "Close to Home: The Ecological Imagination" 1 $9
75  Michael Dames - "Irish Landscape and Organic Traditions"  VIDEO ONLY $29
76  "Earth/Heart: Performance Piece" - Nina Wise" (Video Only $29)
77  Claus Biegert - "Indigenous Peoples & Nuclear Threat" 1 $9
78  Sulak Sivaraksa - "Buddhist Wisdom & Traditional Values" 1 $9
79  John Mack - "The UFO Abduction Phenomenon" 1 $9
80  Elisabet Sahtouris - "Living Earth and Human Future" 1 $9
82  Danny Martin - "Soul Searching: Journey Back to Faith" 1 $9
83  "Closing Plenary" - Kornfield, Metzner, Ellerd, et.al. 1 $9 (VIDEO AVAILABLE $29)
84  Jack Kornfield - "Every Place on Earth" 4 $32
85  James Thornton and Marty Boronson - "Sexual Variance as a Healing Force"