February 13 - 14, 1992  *  San Francisco, California


001  Group Treatment for Men Abused As Children - Bill McMillan, Bernd Enders  1  $9
002  Children of Trauma: Understanding and Meeting the Challenges - Edie Savage-Weeks  1  $9
003  Ethnic Sensitivity with Children of Mixed Heritage - Nancy Brown  1  $9
004  Child Death Review - Current State of the Art - Dr. Michael Durfee  1  $9
005  Building Your Own Volunteer Pools - Sherilyn Adams  1  $9
006  The Therapist as Expert Witness in the Courtroom: Learning from Experience  1  $9
007  Facilitating Bonding with Severely Traumatized and Unattached Children - Anne Bucon  3  $24
008  Raising Children of Color in a Violent Society - Eugene Porter  2  $16
009  Healing Childhood Sexual Abuse: Coming Back to Wholeness - Jodi Santry  1  $9
010  Civil Lawsuits Against Perpetrators By Survivors - Mary Williams, Bonnie Badenoch  1  $9
011  Drug Babies: Current Issues and Strategies - Robin Hansen  1  $9
012  Family Focused Service Delivery:  Rebuilding A Supportive Community for Children At-Risk  1  $9
013  Using Drama with Children Who Have Been Physically and Sexually Abused - Susan Birkel  1  $9
014  A View From the Bench: the Judges' Perspecitve on Child Abuse and the Courtroom - 
	S. Smith, L. Edwards  1  $9
015  Mobilizing Corporate Involvement in the Fight Against Child Abuse - Bandak, Goldstein  1  $9
016  Child & Animal Victims of Violence - A Review & A Proposal for Combined Response  1  $9
018  Treament of Juvenile Offenders Convicted of Violent Crimes - M. Utain, B. Oliver  1  $9
019  Effective Parenting Education for Mandated Parents: Beyond the Didactic Class-Carraher  1  $9
020  Legal Representation of Abused Children in Dependency and Other Courts - K. Murphy  1  $9
021  Abducted Children: A Systems Approach - Deanne Tilton, Jill Searle, Dr. Chris Hatcher  1  $9
022  The Last to Come Forward: Interventions and Recognition of Child Abuse in Jewish  1  $9
023  Moving Abuse Victims Beyond Survival - Cathie Alderson, Andrea Fuller  1  $9
024  Child Abuse and the Religious Community: The Linkage that Must Be Made - Rev. D.  1  $9
025  The Asian Child - Cultural Considerations in Assessment and Treatment of Abuse  1  $9
026  The Therapist as Child Advocate - Helen Hansel  1  $9
028  KEYNOTE: Extending Our Reach to All Our Children - Byron Kunisawa  1  $9
029  Early Intervention/Home-based Services As a Response to the Child Abuse Epidemic  2  $16
030  Children With Disabilities: Advocacy and Intervention Strategies for a Population  2  $16
031  Multi-Problem Families: Drugs, Alcohol, AIDS, Poverty, Violence and Child Abuse  2  $16
032  Futures for Foster Adolescents  1  $9