Sponsored by Resolve of Northern California
January 21, 1995  *  Oakland, California



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001  A Fortunate Man - Richard Addison; Facing the Unknown - Mary Rodocker  1  $9

002  International Adoptions - L. Jacobs, A. Stawitcke  1  $9

003  Being An Adoptive Parent In a World That Believes Adoption is Second Best - P. Orlin, L. Watkins  1  $9

004  Special Needs Adoption - Beth Hall and panel (missing first 1/2 hour)  1  $9

005  Understanding the Recent Changes in the Private Adoption Law - J. Gradstein, L. Jacobs, J. Magruder  1  $9

006  Single Parent Adoptions - J. Johnson, J. Wolff  1  $9

007  Over 40: Adopting and Parenting - J. Raudebaugh and Panel  1  $9

008  Adoptive Parents Panel - C. Lampton and Panel  1  $9

010  The New Nuts and Bolts of Independent Adoption - P. Adams, D. Michelsen  1  $9

011  Birthmothers' Panel  -  L. Chasko, M. Barton and Panel  1  $9

012  Birthfathers' Rights and Future Legislation - J. Gorman, J. Hllinger, J. Corbett  1  $9

013  Identified Agency Adoptions - R. Bencannan, D. Michelsen  1  $9

014  Contested Adoptions - J. Gorman, J. Somit (missing first 1/2 hour)  1  $9

015  Successful Adoptions: Years Down the Road - J. Raudebaugh and Panel  1  $9

016  Reducing the Risks of Private Adoption - M. Gradstein, Attorney; B. Gradstein, MPH  1  $9

017  They Don't Stay Babies Forever: Helping Your Adopted Child Grow Up - G. Gradstein, MPH; L. Cooper, PhD  1  $9

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