The 20th Annual International Conference of
The Association for the Study of Dreams
June 27 - July 1, 2003  *  Berkeley, California




002 Paul Lippmann, Ph.D./ The Canary in the Mind: On the Fate of Dreams in Psychoanalysis and in Contemporary Culture  1  $12.00

003 Panel-John Beebe,M.D., Paul Lippmann, Ph.D., Alan Siegel, Ph.D. / Comparative Analysis of a Dream Series  2  $20.00

004 Symposium-M. Blagrove, Ph.D., M. Schredl, Ph.D., G. Alain, M.Ps. / Dreams and Biological Rhythms  1  $12.00

005 Patricia Garfield, Ph.D. / Dreams During Grief  1  $12.00

006 Symposium-B. Holzinger, A. Funkhouser, M. Blagrove, / Dreams & Personality in European Dreamers  2  $20.00

009 Panel- Rev.Jeremy Taylor, D.Min., Cody Sisson / Dreamwork Training-Is ‘Accreditation’ of Training Programs the Next Step?  1  $12.00

010 Steven Aizenstat, Ph.D. / Dream Tending: Befriending the Archetypal Imagination  1  $12.00

011 Bernard Welt, Ph.D. / Out of the Psych. Department: Dreaming as a General-Education Course  1  $12.00

014 Stephen LaBarge, Ph.D. / Toward More Light: The Promise and Paradox of Cognizant Dreaming  2  $20.00

016 Dennis Merritt, Ph.D. / Appointment with the Wise Old Dog: Dream Images in a time of Crisis-Video & Jungian Commentary  1  $12.00


017 William Dement, M.D. / After 50 Years of REM Research, Do We Understand the Dream?  1  $12.00

018 Symposium-James Pagel, M.D. & David Kahn, Ph.D. Neurobiological Aspects of Dreams  1  $12.00

019 Symposium-J.King, T.Lyons, J.Scalise, M.Ross, B.D’Urso, L.Hagood / Dreams and Styles of Grieving  2  $20.00

021 Alan Siegel, Ph.D. / Trauma, Dreams & Memory: Practice Guidelines for Working with Survivor’s Nightmares  3  $30.00

022 Symposium- R. Knudson, M. Allen, J. John, B. Strickling / Jungian Dreamwork Perspectives  1  $12.00

023 Richard Russo, M.A. / Dream Art as Dream Work  1  $12.00

024 Sven Doehner, Ph.D., M.F.A. / The Alchemy of Sound in Working with Dream Images  1  $12.00

025 Symposium- Deidre Barrett, Ph.D. & Patricia Kilroe, Ph.D. / Authors and Dreaming  1  $12.00


026 Huston Smith, Ph.D. / The Meanings of Dreaming: A World Religions Perspective  1  $12.00

027 Panel- R.Dwyer, D.Graff, E.Kellogg, S.Krippner, J.Campbell, / Judging Telepathy Contests: Challenging Look at Psi Dreaming.  2  $20.00

028 Panel- K. Bulkeley, Ph.D., H. Smith, Ph.D., P. Kingsley, Ph.D. / Dreams and Religion  2  $20.00

029 Symposium- D. Deslauriers, S. Smith, F. Bogzaran, D. Pleasants / Dreams: From Precognition to Metacognition  2  $20.00

030 Symposium-E.Hartmann,M.Zborowski,A.Siegel,K.Bulkeley,T.Kahan / Dreams Before and After 9/11/01  2  $20.00

031 Symposium-M.Caporali,M.Zanasi,D.Jenkins,I.Edgar,C.Briar,M.Murray / Dream Theories  2  $20.00

032 Symposium- C. Warner, D. Graff, R.E. Guiley, E. Kellogg / Perspective on Psi Dreams  2  $20.00

033 Nicole Gratton / The Business Side of Dreamwork  2  $20.00

034 Robert Hoss, M.A., M.S. / The ASDream: Celebrating 20 Years of Dreaming with ASD  2  $20.00

035 Panel-T.Crockett,S.Doehner,S.Krippner / When Bear, Eagle or Fish Come Dreaming: The Significance of Animals in Shamanic Dreams..  2  $20.00

036 Kelly Bulkeley, Ph.D. / The Secret History of Sexual Dreaming  2  $20.00

037 Symposium-Curtis Hoffman, Ph.D. and Anne Hill, Ph.D. / Dreams in the Ancient World  2  $20.00


038 Stanley Krippner, Ph.D. / Anomolous Dreams: Insights from the Maimonides Studies & Future Directions for Research  1  $12.00

039 Nicholas Brink, Ph.D. / Using Dreamwork to Improve the Effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy  1  $12.00

040 Symposium- Kathleen Broyles, & J.F. Pagel, M.D. / Created Dreams: The Use and Function of Dreamscapes in Film and Literature  2  $20.00

041 Robert Bosnak, J.D. / Embodied Dream Imagery and Physical Illness  1  $12.00

042 Panel- C.Pearson, S.Ginsberg, G.Sturzenaker, E.Kellogg, L.Magollon / Getting the Dream Down & Following Where it Leads  2  $20.00

043 David Pleasants, M.A. / Transtemporal Dreaming: Intersubjectivity, Precognition and the Physics of Time  1  $12.00