October 8 - 13, 2003  *  Anaheim, California



Wednesday, October 8

PRE-CONFERENCE  - 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM:

Michael Munkasey: What Is a Company: Do’s & Don’t for Researching Incorporation Data
Orest Taraban: Using the United States Chart to Trade Stocks, Indexes & Options
Stan Harley: Cycles: Their Derivation, Analysis, and How to Track Them in Real Time
Raymond Merriman: Venus Stations and Their Correlation with Cycles in U.S. Stock Indices
Tim Bost: "Reading Between the Lines: Hidden Factors in Financial Astrology"
Matthew Carnicelli: Using Solar Returns for the NYSE and the NASDAQ Exchanges to Forecast Yearly Market Trend
Grace Morris: Sectors in Focus: Uranus in Pisces, Saturn in Cancer and Jupiter in Virgo Trading Strategies

#001  ISAR 2003 CONFERENCE OPENING – 8:01 PM – REGENT ROOM   1 Tape for $12

Thursday, October 9

#002  9:00 AM – 12:00 PM: THE ISAR ETHICS AWARENESS COURSE – REGENT ROOM   2 Tapes for $20
Facilitator: Dorothy Oja, Chair of ISAR Ethics Committee. Contributors: Verena Bachman (Switzerland), Matt Carnicelli, Steven Forrest, Dennis Harness, Joyce Hoen (Netherlands), and Mark McDonough.

#118  12:00 PM – 1:00 PM: WRITING (AND TECHNOLOGY) FOR THE PROFESSIONAL ASTROLOGER with Rick Levine.    1 Tape for $12

3:00 PM – 4:15 PM:

#004  Michael Lutin: The Razor’s Edge   1 Tape for $12
A harrowing and liberating view of the 12th house. The purpose of self-undoing and how to deal with impossible situations brought on by natal, progressed or transiting aspects

#005   Dennis Harness: The Nakshatras: The Lunar Mansions of Vedic Astrology   1 Tape for $12
The Lunar Mansions of Vedic Astrology as they relate to the fixed stars and constellational astrology. I would try to present the material with a cross-cultural perspective using both tropical and sidereal calculations.

#006   Nick Campion: Uranus and the American Psyche   1 Tape for $12
The great nineteenth-century astrologer Luke Broughton was the first to claim that the USA is a Uranian country, born in revolution. So what might Uranus in Pisces signify for the USA? We will trawl through past transits for an insight into future ones. And how might the sky god react when he is submerged in the ocean of dreams and desire?

#007  Antonia Langsdorf: Discover the L-Spot in your Chart: Lilith and Mystical Approach to Sexuality   1 Tape for $12
Myths, fairy tales and even epics like the King Arthur legend contain exciting information about the ancient matriarchal cult of the Goddess. By following the tracks of Lilith, you will learn about the matriarchal mythology in which the Gods and Goddesses of Astrology have their source. In matriarchy, there was no such thing as marriage. Sexuality was free, joyful and deeply connected to the fertility cycles of nature. Thinking was cyclic instead of linear or polar. This is the set-up for a new understanding of the Goddess forces in your birth chart. It will take you way above any interpretation of a dark, demonic bad Lilith you may have heard before. This is the discovery: Once you unfold the powers of a strong Lilith to the best, you get an irresistible combination of joy, power, sexiness, magic and creativity!

#008   Terumi Kondo: Chinese Astrology and the Theory of Five Elements and the Yin-Yang Principle   1 Tape for $12
Uranus and Neptune symbolize the dual aspects of astrological understanding: intellectual and spiritual (experiential). Introducing a rare cultural practice, and analyzing its influence from Chinese Philosophy, Terumi will demonstrate the experiential astrological concept of the five elemental balance and harmony as applied in the tea ceremony and the Universe in the small meeting room. An experience not to be missed if you value an unusually rare cultural event!

#009   Verena Bachmann: Living in the Global Village: How Cultural Patterns Shape the Expression of our Chart   1 Tape for $12
Every culture and society has beliefs and assumptions about good/bad and right/wrong behaviors that shape the energies of our chart and their expression - enhance, repress, deny, distort, etc. Explore how different planetary constellations can work according to the underlying belief and how to find the true potential behind them.

#010   Robert Mulligan: The Importance of Astrological Dialogue   1 Tape for $12
Self-understanding is the ultimate goal of all meaningful astrological work. Through the correct use of dialogue procedures astrologers aid clients arrive at useful strategies for action and gain an appropriate attitude toward their lives. There are a few general guidelines for astrological dialogue. There are specific techniques shown in each client’s chart for listening and attuning to them. Many examples are shown.

#011   Barbara Schermer: The Initiations of Venus: Psyche’s Four Tasks   1 Tape for $12
Venus teaches us her requirements to master love through the Psyche/ Eros myth. With a dramatic telling of her story we’ll describe her journey, her relationship to the Cardinal cross and four tasks she requires-igniting erotic fire, healing waters, sorting seeds and seeing beauty. Practical tools are given.

#012   Donna Van Toen: The Astrology of Astrologers   1 Tape for $12
In this lecture we will discuss the charts of several well-known (and less well-known) astrologers with an eye to signatures of "working astrologers". Consulting, teaching, and writing signatures will all be covered as well as signatures for multicapability in the field.

#119   Madeline Gerwick-Brodeur: Astrology's Economic Revolution   1 Tape for $12
Where is our economy headed? Discover the direction predicted by the McWhirter Nodal Cycle and why our present Jupiter-Saturn cycle shows an economic revolution is underway. What further changes can we anticipate with Uranus in Pisces and when Pluto enters Capricorn? Discover the changes that will occur to business by 2020!

5:00 PM – 6:15 PM:

#014   Joseph Crane: Astrology and Spiritual Understanding in Dante’s Divine Comedy   1 Tape for $12
The Medieval person routinely kept company with the basic symbol systems of astrology, as part of daily life and as the expression of the spiritual order of the universe. Dante’s Commedia is the best expression of a profound tradition that informs much of our astrology. We’ll look at sacred time and space, the visible sky as lifeguide, and the relationship between astrology and spirituality.

#015   Tad Mann: A New Vision of Astrology: From Conception to Transcendence   1 Tape for $12
A unique time scale begins our life from the sexual events of conception and grades our lifetime logarithmically, reflecting changes in our time perception as we age. The resultant "four body model" integrates biology and psychology with ideas as diverse as reincarnation, esoteric chakras and rays, and provocative healing models.

#017   Anita Noyes-Smith: Venus Power   1 Tape for $12
The concept of self worth, wealth and relationships are probably the most sort after aspects in a modern world. The Mayans most certainly understood the concept of Venus and placed her in the center of the solar system instead of the sun…. Discover how the first 8-year retrogradation cycle of Venus in our developmental years imprints us in value, love, sex and what we receive from the world. Anita draws on unusual references to illustrate the power of this planet.

#018   Lynn Bell: The Amazing Electric Underwater Adventure   1 Tape for $12
What kinds of images emerge out of the collective unconscious as Uranus enters Pisces? The bounds of logic and reason that prevailed with Uranus in the straight-edged signs of Capricorn and Aquarius are replaced by leaps of imaginative perception, waves of electrified intuition, and other reality-bending possibilities. How do changes in the larger world picture relate to changes in ourselves?

#019   Brian Clark: What To Do Until the Transit Is Over   1 Tape for $12
The transits of Chiron and the outer planets describe a crossroads or a paradigm shift in an individual’s consciousness. In this lecture we will re-examine the transits of Chiron and the outer planets: what is being demanded of us, as well as the most effective way to handle the change. We will explore ways to enter into the dynamic of the change to consciously cooperate with the process.

#020   Roy Gillett: Rocky Road to the Fourth Dimension   1 Tape for $12
By selflessly mastering the astrological challenges, we "knock on the door" of four-dimensional consciousness. We will study Uranus and Neptune from the degenerate 1920s/40s, through today’s false Aquarian dawn to a potentially redeeming mutual reception. Is consciousness advancing, or falling by the wayside.

#021   Lynda Hill: Creating Magic with Sabian Symbols   1 Tape for $12
Groundbreaking ways of using the Symbols give us a deeper, fuller insight into chart analysis. Learn
the three layers of interpretation that can be applied to each planet or point. This new technique answers many questions.

#022   Monica Dimino: Another Look at Astrology   1 Tape for $12
Classical astrology has had a great impact on the astrological world in recent decades. But what of the new findings of working astrologers in the past century? Where do they fit into the big picture? This lecture will explore 20th century astrological advances and suggest new ways of thinking astrologically.

#023   Louise Jenkins: The Kaleidoscope Movement of Uranus and Neptune in their 171-Year Cycle   1 Tape for $12
We will explore the link between the 171-year Uranus/Neptune collective meaning, pertaining to social, political, and spiritual issues, and the application for the individual chart through the houses. Example charts will show how individuals are challenged when the larger cycle connects with their age specific worldview.

Friday, October 10

#025   9:00 AM: Large Gathering, 15-20 minutes presentations   1 Tape for $12
Lynn Bell (France): "Uranus and Neptune in Mutual Reception"
Maggie Kerr (Australia): "A Blink Of The Cosmic Eye - A Memorable Moment in Time."
Antonia Langsdorf (Germany): "Uranus in Pisces - Techno, Ecstasy and the Matrix. The Heartbeat of the Aquarian Age."

Susie Lima Verde (Brazil): "The Divine Comes to Earth: Uranus in Pisces and the Wake-up Call to a Higher Perspective of Reality."
Emcee: Jeff Jawer

11:15 AM – 12:30 PM:

#026   Michael Lutin: Desperation and Liberation   1 Tape for $12
A view of the current transit of the South Node in Scorpio. What drives people through inhibition, primitive hunger and emotional frustration toward grounding and fulfillment?

#027   John Frawley: The Pilot of the Soul   1 Tape for $12
Spiritual Direction in an Age of Uncertainty. The ancient texts give guidelines for finding our individual spiritual direction. How relevant are these in a world where all values are open to question? What doorways will the mutual reception between Uranus and Neptune open for humankind?

#028   Elizabeth Teissier, Ph. D: The Mundane Effects Of Uranus: Air Crashes, Earthquakes, Insurrections, and Stock Market Significant Movements   1 Tape for $12
During the last twenty years, one of my major subjects of research has been mundane astrology. I observed significant correlations between some particular planetary cycles like Neptune/Pluto and floods and pollution of all kind - chemical, nuclear, food poisoning (cf. my lecture at UAC in July). Concerning Uranus, I have made dozens of exact (and published) forecast confirming the following hypothesis: the dissonances of Uranus with the Sun, Mercury and Mars are always present in the mentioned major events.

#029   Robert Blaschke: Mirror Degree Synastry   1 Tape for $12
From Volume IV - Spiritual Relationships, Robert will present his research on ‘Antiscia Synastry’ and ‘Contrascia Synastry’. These ‘mirror degrees’ of planets, which are equidistant from either the solstitial axis or from the equinoctial axis, are sometimes found to be in synastric conjunction with a spouse’s natal planets, and illustrate how love unites twin souls.

#030   Steven Forrest: The Universal Sextile: Pluto and Neptune   1 Tape for $12
If you were born after the beginning of World War Two or if you plan to incarnate in the next three decades, these two mighty outer planets are triggering and stimulating each other in your chart. Their sextile reflects the psychology of this era more definitively than television and fast food combined. But what does the fish know of the sea?

#031   Grazia Mirti: The Real Meaning of Lilith, the Dark Moon: Astronomy, Symbols, Individual Horoscopes, Aspects, Transits   1 Tape for $12
The aim of this presentation is to demonstrate the enormous importance of Lilith the Dark Moon from the point of view of astrological interpretation. Little time will be denoted on the astronomic side and the major thrust will be to show practical instances of Lilith positions at birth (for example, sexy actresses often have a conjunction Uranus/Lilith). We will also demonstrate extraordinary events through transits of (Marilyn Monroe, Sharon Tate, John Kennedy and so on) chosen among the international VIPs. I would also like to comment the Lilith’s role in Financial Astrology in this presentation

#032   Georgia Stathis: Rare Happenings-Chiron Opposing Saturn   1 Tape for $12
Chiron opposes Saturn very rarely, but when it does, it has a long run, sometimes for several years. What impact does this opposition have on you as an individual or on the nation or world?

#033   Christian Borup: Your Birthmyth: A New Key to the Old Chart   1 Tape for $12
The Birth Myth is the story you were told about your birth as a child. For many years Christian has collected these "welcome the world"-stories from his clients and compared them to the birth chart and the real life situation of the client. Knowing how to find the Birth Myth in the chart gives vital and surprising information about the hidden agenda ruling a person’s outlook on life as a grownup. This lecture presents new insights and teaches the practical interpretation of the Birth Myth.

#034   James Coleman: Hiding in Plain Site   1 Tape for $12
Right before your eyes, when you are looking at a chart, there is a wealth of information that has yet to be mined. There are aspects that go universally unnoticed by astrologers, yet that can make a world of difference in your delineations. Come and discover how it is possible for you to have, for example, Sun square Sun IN YOUR NATAL CHART!

#035   Mark McDonough and Mark Urban-Lurain: Hands-On Research: An Experiential Introduction to Astrological Research (Part 1 of 2)   1 Tape for $12
In this two-part hands-on workshop you will learn about quantitative research by working in a real research project. You will learn how to define a research question, collect data to study, learn about the importance of control groups and how to create them, generate hypotheses about the data and test the hypotheses. No previous research experience is required.
Participants are encouraged (but not required) to bring lap top computers to class. Demonstration copies of AstroDatabank will be provided so you can work through the research project on your computer. We will also explore the unique features found in other research programs. Lunch will be available in the room between the two sessions to informally discuss research projects and plant the seeds of a research community. Part 1 –extends with lunchtime in room.

2:30 PM – 3:45 PM:

#036   Alan Oken: Uranus in Pisces, Neptune in Aquarius: A Crossing of Eras and a Shift in Cosmic Paradigms.   1 Tape for $12
How will the mutual reception of these great transpersonal planets and signs affect the unfolding consciousness of humanity? Alan Oken offers views both celestial and terrestrial on a most provocative topic.

#037   Maggie Kerr: Millenium Healing - An Investigation of the Piscean Moon in the Millennium Chart   1 Tape for $12
The Moon in a mundane horoscope tells us of the "Group Soul" and the unconscious emotional and physical health of the collective. Join Maggie as she explores the relationship between these two themes in the Horoscope for the next 1,000 years, focusing on Pluto squaring the Moon in Pisces during 2003/4 and Uranus forming conjunction during 207/8. How may we best approach the challenge to heal these potent and essential issues in the years ahead?

#038   Manfred Zimmel: The Galactic Center in Mundane, Spiritual, and Financial Astrology   1 Tape for $12
The 5,120-year Mayan cycle as the Galactic Clock - astrophysical peculiarities and its astrological meaning - the spiritual energy of the Galactic Center - correlation of planetary aspects to stock and precious metals market.

#039   Kelley Hunter: Lilith and the Cosmic Feminine   1 Tape for $12
The dark goddess Lilith smiles mysteriously in our primordial memory. Is modern physics seeking
this same alluring unknown in the scientific search for dark energy/dark matter? Are we really remembering dark mater, dark mother? Through physics, myth, Buddhist philosophy, art and astrology, we’ll tap into the deepest urges of the soul.

#040   Greg Bogart, Ph. D: Basic Principles of Vocational Astrology    1 Tape for $12
One of the astrologer’s essential tasks is to help clients find the most appropriate occupation and define their vocation, their life’s central work. This presentation explores natal planetary indicators of various career paths, transits and progressions that describe the timing and cycles of career development, and the importance of chart synthesis for illuminating the true nature of our life’s calling.

#041   Glennys Lawton: Attachment Styles and Adult Relationships   1 Tape for $12
Identity, as we know it, has two components: a sense of belonging and a sense of being separate. Basically there are three types of ways in which the process of bonding suggests the ways we may separate: 1. bond/separate, 2. can’t bond/can’t separate and 3. won’t bond/can’t separate. In this presentation we will explore the basic template of our attachment/separation style as suggested by our horoscope and how this informs our adult experiences of intimacy.

#042   Brenda Brush: The Imagination Lays Tracks For Reality (No Place to Hide)   1 Tape for $12
A down to earth talk about how Uranus in Pisces will expose the issues we have been hiding from. With Uranus and Neptune in mutual reception our usual places of retreat are not there. We now have to face and solve our chronic problems. The solution is found in the transit of Saturn.

#043   Pat Giesler: The World of the Heart   1 Tape for $12
The "natural" zodiac of Aries first may suit the male of the species, but what about the female? Her zodiac is different and her birth chart is read differently. Let’s do some new thinking together.

#044   Adriana Poch Kade: Key Planet in Your Destiny   1 Tape for $12
My work is the result of a research study. The Key Planet plays a vital role in the life and destiny of each individual, and aids personality integration. Along the years we Astrologers have used different methods to find the ruler of the nativity or the strongest planet in the horoscope; methods like house or sign placements, angularity, rulerships, final dispositors, focal, apex or leader planets in configurations, Volguine‘s Method or the Hindu system called Shadbalas. In my work I use none of these methods to find the key predominant planet. The system is grounded in sound astrological principles and can be applied both to individual and Mundane charts of countries.

#045   Mark McDonough and Mark Urban-Lurain, Ph. D: Hands-On Research: An Experiential Introduction to Astrological Research (Part 2 of 2)   1 Tape for $12
In this two-part hands-on workshop you will learn about quantitative research by working in a real research project. You will learn how to define a research question, collect data to study, learn about the importance of control groups and how to create them, generate hypotheses about the data and test the hypotheses. No previous research experience is required.
Participants are encouraged (but not required) to bring lap top computers to class. Demonstration copies of AstroDatabank will be provided so you can work through the research project on your computer. We will also explore the unique features found in other research programs. Lunch will be available in the room between the two sessions to informally discuss research projects and plant the seeds of a research community.

4:30 PM – 5:45 PM:

#046   Dorothy Oja: Residual Planetary Effects: Identity - Mars, Birth to Present   1 Tape for $12
An innovative method of assessing outer planet influences to your Mars, your identity, your initiative and direction from birth to the present moment. Come share in this exciting and ongoing research project.

#047   Joan Kellogg: The Yod: Its Esoteric Meaning   1 Tape for $12
This presentation is an introduction to the theory of identifying, understanding and interpreting the subtle yet critical Yodal signature of the soul’s influence acting within the life of the individual. Karmic philosophy, psychological and astrological theories are interwoven into a dynamic framework for insight and application at every level from student to professional. Specific issues of resistance contained within the psychological shadow as solution to the yodal dilemma are highlighted for discussion. Discover the concept of "Yods in Progress".

#048   Hakan Kirkoglu: Peace and War Cycles in Middle East   1 Tape for $12
In this mundane study, focusing on politics in Middle East, a planetary cycle approached has been tried for 20 cc. Country (USA, Israel, Turkey, Iraq, Iran, UK, Syria) and politician charts gives valuable information about the future of the most tumultuous region of the world. An emphasis given to the traditional methods such as solar returns and perfections in timing events.

#049   Joyce Hoen: Astrology and the Chakra’s – Faithfulness and Infidelity in Relationships   1 Tape for $12
This lecture outlines the various stages of relationships (and the various kinds of relations we go through in life), all the way from relationships we need for survival up until and including the relationship with the Ultimate Beloved. By linking the chakra’s with the planets, it is possible to deduct from major planetary transits or the birthchart itself, which phase in our relationship we are encountering.

#050   Nick Campion: Do Astrologers Really Believe In Astrology?   1 Tape for $12
If Uranus is astrology and Pisces is belief then Uranus in Pisces is belief in astrology. Nick will report on his research at Bath Spa University College into the whole question of belief in astrology. And, as an astrologer, how do you feel when strangers ask ‘do you believe in it?’

#051   Cathy Coleman, Ph. D: Healing Through Astrological Consultations   1 Tape for $12
This would be a talk on what clients experience as "healing," what helps and what doesn’t, and how astrologers can enhance the healing qualities of their work with clients.

#052   Jennifer Freed: Astrology as a Teenage Initiation Tool   1 Tape for $12
Working with teenagers requires a great sense of timing, humor, and honesty. Astrology can open doorways with teens that seem closed through generational assumptions. How to use astrology with teenagers is the key question. In this workshop we will discuss our work with teenagers and the development of metaphoric and symbolic thinking.

#053   Lee Lehman, Ph. D: Rendering   1 Tape for $12
Rendering is the English word for return of virtue, the opposite of donation of virtue. Specifically, this refers to situations in which a planet combust or retrograde is not in as bad condition as one would expect from its accidental debility. The concept is also the flip side of reception.

#054   Adrian Ross-Duncan: The Borderland   1 Tape for $12
There comes a time in every planet’s life when it must enter new territory and change sign. Each transition over each sign cusp shows a very specific energy change. Learn what this can mean in personal and political life, with transits, progressions and horary.

#055   Didier Castille: The Astrological Heredity Research Project   1 Tape for $12
The project carries out new and wide-scale research about astrological hereditary transmissions. Didier Castille has investigated natal data focusing on hereditary links between child, father and mother’s suns. He brought to light significant statistical correlations that confirm the results obtained with the marriages data. The experiment is promising and deserves to be deepened.

Saturday, October 11

#056   9:00 – 10:30 AM: Large gathering, 15-20 minutes presentations on Mundane Astrology    1 Tape for $12
Ilia Dichev, Ph. D (Bulgaria): "Lunar Cycle Effects on Stock Returns"
Manfred Zimmel (Austria): "The Return of Nibiru - the Most Important Event for the Planet in 4,000 Years"
Grazia Mirti (Italy): "Little Useful Hints for Astrological Practice"
Hakan Kirkoglu (Turkey): "Left-handedness is an Uranian Phenomenon?"
Emcee Maureen Ambrose.

11:15 AM – 12:30 PM:

#057   Raymond Merriman: Uranus/Neptune-Saturn/Pluto: Cycles of War and Peace, Prosperity and Depression  1 Tape for $12
Uranus and Neptune are in mutual reception, 2003-2010. The Saturn/Pluto cycle moves into its third of four phases 2001-2010. It’s last two phases (2001-2020) are much different than its first two (1982-2002). What do these two cycles correlate with historically? And are there themes present in past instances that are already appearing again this decade? What did we learn? What can we do?

#058   Roxana Muise: Healing with Astrology   1 Tape for $12
Each planetary pair is a source of healing energy, and as such may be tapped in healing rituals. Tracing planetary pairs in their cycles offers an opportunity for healing. Learn to create your own healing rituals and affirmations.

#059   Susie Verde: Uranus in Pisces and the future of Brazilian Politics   1 Tape for $12
Brazil has gone through intensive political upheaval during the last years. In 2002, an election year, Uranus has crossed its Asc in Aquarius. More than ever, a political re-structure is needed, providing a more fair and equalitarian reality to all. However, many are afraid that this change could lead the country into a total economical chaos, if the radical opposition win the elections. The 0* mutable may have many clues to how this process is likely to manifest.

#060   Barbara Schermer: The Sun as Goddess   1 Tape for $12
Rediscover the Sun goddess, united in intellect and intuition- through history, myth (Amaterasu) and her connection to our Sun. With a dramatic telling of Amaterasu’s story, we’ll learn to invoke her radiance through tantras (actions- flower essences, invocation), yantra (power diagram) and mantra (word).

#061   Amando Rey: Pluto in Sagittarius: The Cognitive Revolution   1 Tape for $12
I am trying to build some alternative hermeneutic foundations and review several philosophical ideas that can act as a frame for some revolutionary changes in contemporary Astrology, following the guidelines presented to us by Carlos Castaneda and his cohorts, in which he describes the process and pragmatical consequences experienced by himself when he was immersed into a different cognitive world. A process that made him to be very aware of the limitations that impose to us the occidental cognitive world in terms of perceiving and enacting the totality of the human potential now locked in our being.

#062   Verena Bachmann: Jupiter and Saturn Are Not What They Used To Be! The Evolution of Jupiter and Saturn in Our Chart   1 Tape for $12
As times change along with our perception of the world, the meaning and experience of these two social planets changes dramatically as well. Learn how they create a balance within changing environments and the challenges we must meet as individuals with globalization and the breaking up of social structures.

#063   Lynn Bell: Uranus Trines Saturn in the Watery Realm   1 Tape for $12
As if the slightly weird sizzle of Uranus in Pisces weren’t already enough, Saturn will also be getting wet in Cancer. How can we understand Saturn’s traditional fall in this sign, with a simultaneous feel-good trine to Uranus? This early transit can build momentum for a period that promises to be slightly overwhelming; What to watch for, what to expect.

#065   Glenn Perry, Ph. D: The Zodiac and the Growth Process: Twelve Steps To Enlightenment   We will explore how the zodiac not only symbolizes the structure and dynamics of the human psyche, but also models the evolutionary unfoldment of consciousness. Learn why signs can be understood as archetypal needs, developmental stages, and distinct time-space perspectives. Discover how each sign’s unique behavioral attributes derive from its developmental task and its orientation in time and space.

#066   Joan Kellogg: Touched With Fire: Manic-Depressive Illness and the Creative Temperament   1 Tape for $12
Groundbreaking astrological research was conducted to introduce to the medical and psychotherapeutic community the efficacy and utility of astrology as it relates to the predictability of depressive, bipolar and manic disorder episodes. These relate to records of biographies of famous creative personages researched and reported by Kay Redfield Jamieson, recent winner of the American Psychological Association Genius Award for the 1979 publication of the book of this title.

2:30 PM – 3:45 PM:

#067   Moses Siregar: The Soul of Astrology   1 Tape for $12
Bypass all the nuts and bolts, and go straight to the heart of the big picture of astrology. What are the simple, golden insights that an immersion in astrology can ultimately lead us to? Soul food will be served.

#068   Donna Van Toen: Uranus in Pisces   1 Tape for $12
A look at Uranus in Pisces in history as well as potentials of the upcoming Uranus in Pisces transit, with some discussion of personal ramifications as well as collective ones.

#069   Manfred Zimmel: Long-term Economic Forecasting   1 Tape for $12
200-year Jupiter Saturn cycle - Elliott waves and the correction of the Grand Supercycle - the Kondratieff wave and its astrological signatures - Uranus in Pisces, the significator of the 6th Kondratieff wave.

#070   Richard Tarnas, Ph. D: Music, History, and Planetary Archetypes   1 Tape for $12
Astrology provides profound insight into the patterns of our cultural history, but such insight depends on a capacity for rich archetypal perception, something that involves not only thinking but also the emotions, the imagination, the body, the whole being. Because music and the arts engage all these dimensions, this lecture will use representative works of music as windows into the archetypal character of different eras and the planetary cycles they express.

#071   Antonia Langsdorf: Experiences of Initiation and Sexual Awakening - Lilith in Transit by Houses and Major Aspects   1 Tape for $12
After setting up the mythological background of the Goddess as well as clearing up astronomical uncertainties about Lilith as the Black Moon, we will explore the spectrum of experiences of the mystical Goddess journey through the zodiac. We will discuss how she unfolds her initial energy by touching planets and proceeding through the houses. Find out how Lilith works as a catalyst for sexual awakening, moral breaking love affairs, motherhood, justice, equality - and any experience of initiation related to birth, death and sexuality

#072   Brian Clark: The Dream and the Horoscope   1 Tape for $12
Because the imagery of the horoscope is so evocative and imaginative clients often remember a dream or dream images while you (the astrologer) are amplifying either the natal or transiting images of their horoscope. Over 25 years of astrological counseling I have heard many dreams in the context of the astrological consultation. This lecture will explore common dream images and how they often synchronize with transiting energies or natal configurations. As well we will explore the dream clients describe before the night before the appointment!

#073   Chris McRae: What Can the Past Tell Us About the Future?   1 Tape for $12
The past is the pathway to the future. Perspectives broaden with every remarkable planetary shift. We will survey a few main highlights of the past few hundred years as stepping stones to the present, and then concentrate on many unusual cosmic events over the past century. This is a prelude to the Uranus/Neptune evolutionary process that is being embraced this weekend.

#074   Hakan Kirkiglu: Practical Use of Arabic Parts in Natal Chart   1 Tape for $12
The ranking of the nativity based on traditional techniques. Example charts on how to assess important Arabic parts and delineate them, such as Part of Fortune, Part of Exaltation (Pars Nobilitatis) or Part of Spirit (Pars Solis) and important others. Includes explanations in theory and practical examples of my usage in the consultations.

#075   Roy Gillett: Have They Done Well?   1 Tape for $12
Do harmonious combinations of astro energy indicate easy worldly success and stressful combinations suggest difficulties? If so, only by taking account of the astrological background can we measure real achievement. We will assess some famous people and events. Bring your own example acetates, if you wish.

#076   Cathy Coleman, Ph. D: East Meets West in Astrology   1 Tape for $12
This talk would highlight similarities and differences in Western Astrological Systems (Modern, Classical, and Hellenistic), and Vedic Astrology of the East, and what the different systems of thought and technique have to offer each other.

4:30 PM – 5:45 PM:

#077   Kelley Hunter: Exploring Transits Through AstroDrama   1 Tape for $12
Take a mental break from theory and technique with some astro-fun. We’ll play with the planets and bring them to life by acting out current transits. For actors and audience alike, the dialogue and interactions are bound to be fun, revelatory and beyond rational expectations.

#078   Joseph Crane: Spiritual Delineation in the Astrological Birthchart – the Hellenistic Tradition   1 Tape for $12
In its diversity of spiritual approaches, the Hellenistic world was quite similar to our own. Its astrology articulated a surprising range of dispositions and activities toward spirituality. We’ll look at birthcharts of eminent religious persons, past and present, from the perspective of late Hellenistic astrology. Lecture also serves as a useful introduction to a powerful astrological tradition.

#079   Ilia Dichev: Lunar Cycle Effects in Stock Returns   1 Tape for $12
Abstract from related research paper: This study finds strong lunar cycle effects in stock returns. Specifically, returns in the 15 days around new moon dates are about double the returns in the 15 days around full moon dates. This pattern of returns is pervasive; we find it for all major U.S. stock indexes over the last 100 years and for nearly all major stock indexes of 24 other countries over the last 30 years. In contrast, we find no reliable or economically important evidence of lunar cycle effects in return volatility and volume of trading. Taken as a whole, this evidence is consistent with popular beliefs that lunar cycles affect human behavior.

#080   Stephen Forrest: The Eternal Triangle   1 Tape for $12
Every relationship is a "threesome" - you, me, and what we create in the spaces between us. The whole is greater than the sum of the parts, and every relationship has its own unique needs and destiny - and karmic pattern - just as do individuals. Astrology unlocks these mysteries most effectively through a consideration of the midpoint-based composite chart.

#081   A.T. (Tad) Mann: Junk DNA: Linking the Akashic Record and Astrology   1 Tape for $12
Decoding the human genome only involves 3% of the genetic material: the remainder is an encapsulated history of all life and therefore our link with the past, our previous incarnations, and the legendary Akashic Record which can be seen to reside within every living cell. Astrology is the language by which we can access this phenomenal resource.

 #082   Lynda Hill: Draconic Astrology: The Wisdom of the Nodes   1 Tape for $12  
The Draconic chart is said to reveal our Soul’s contract. Tied in with the Nodes of the Moon, this chart can show us things about situations and ourselves that are often very revealing and surprising.

#083   Glennys Lawton: The Hidden Key To The Part of Fortune   1 Tape for $12
Of the many Arabian parts, it is the Part of Fortune that still is commonly included in horoscopes today. The Part of Fortune beckons us with a sense of promise and anticipation, generally without indication of the task we must undertake to unravel its mysteries. In this lecture we will look at the significance of this point which informs us of the potential fortune that awaits us.

#084   Dennis Harness, Ph. D: Pluto: A Neo-Vedic View   1 Tape for $12
This presentation will examine the importance of Pluto and the other outer planets in contemporary Vedic Astrology. We will explore the mythological themes of Yama, the Hindu God of Death in relationship to symbolism of Pluto and Hades. The Hindu myths Varuna (Neptune) and Prajapati (Uranus) will also be correlated with Western mythology.

#085   Christian Borup: The Four Laws of Astrological Interpretation   1 Tape for $12
What is important in a chart? And what is unimportant? What is rare and sets you apart from other people? Knowledge of The Four Laws of Astrological Interpretation gives the practicing astrologer a logical, statistical and astronomical founded framework for pinpointing the important factors that makes a client special and unique.

#086   Jim Shawvan: Finding Opportunity Periods   1 Tape for $12
Using an astrological calendar to find the best times to make important decisions and take important actions. "Know when to hold, and know when to fold." One of the most powerful and useful ways to bring astrology into daily life!

Sunday, October 12

#087   9:00 – 10:30 AM: Large gathering, 15-20 minutes presentations    1 Tape for $12
Adrian Ross Duncan (England): "Strange Feat - Uranus in Pisces"
Terumi Kondo (Japan): "Myth - The Oldest Philosophy in Mankind, vs. Virtual Animation in Modern Japanese Culture."
Elisabeth Teissier, Ph.D. (Switzerland and France): "Forecasting on the Basis of the Fruitful Resonance Between a Nation’s Chart and its Leader’s."
Anita Noyes Smith (South Africa). "Emerging New Worlds."
Emcee Rick Levine.

11:15 AM – 12:30 PM:

#088   Carol Tebbs: Let the Good Times Roll: Elect the Best Event Time   1 Tape for $12
Planning ahead brings optimal results when astrological principles are applied to select the best event time within practical limitations. Weddings, surgery, major purchases, signing contracts and business deals and even gambling are some important elective life events for consideration.

#089   Joyce Hoen: The Cycle of Uranus and the Cycle of Astrology   1 Tape for $12
This lecture gives a model for looking at planetary cycles (combining Rudhyar’s Lunation Cycle with a model given in Evolutionary Astrology from Ray Merriman) and outlines exactly where we are in the cycle of Uranus and therefore astrology. Some very interesting and maybe even disturbing deductions can be made here vis-a-vis Uranus in Pisces and .. .beyond.

#090   Grazia Mirti: The Role of the Dark Moon Lillith in Financial Astrology   1 Tape for $12
Using her 15 years of research on Lillith and the financial markets, this course will demonstrate a multitude of international examples showing impressive relationships. The role of the Dark Moon in Financial Astrology (a short introduction about astronomical principles of the Lunar Apogee and Absides; the meaning of the Dark Moon in individual and collective Astrology; which are the exact Ephemeris for the Dark Moon; the role in Financial Astrology through Natal Charts, Transits, Forecast).

#091   Monica Dimino: Another Look at Solar Houses   1 Tape for $12
Using whole sign solar houses is one of the most overlooked tools in astrology. A world of insight can be garnered in using them in all astrological work. This lecture, based on years of research, will demonstrate their use with handouts and examples.

#092   Lee Lehman, Ph. D: Uranus, Aquarius and All That   1 Tape for $12
How was Uranus associated with Aquarius? We go back to the 19
th Century and examine how the astrologers who got the first crack at Uranus chose Aquarius for its Rulership, and what the implications of this method possess for its transit of any other sign, and for rulerships in general.

#093   Maggie Kerr: The Gods Are Crazy - A Therapeutic Perspective On Uranus In Pisces   1 Tape for $12
The theme of madness is about as Piscean as things get, and yet there is still enormous stigma in our culture when the word is mentioned! In this lecture we will work with the planetary model in Astrology as a tool for the journey to "consciousness", and how the Divine madness of Neptune is an essential ingredient of our wholeness process.

#094   Matt Carnicelli: President George W. Bush, Jr. and The United States of America   1 Tape for $12
A critical examination of the charts of George Bush, Jr. and the USA, and what it says about our future. This talk will be both informative and entertaining, as you will see both in a light you never saw before.

#095   Robert Blaschke: A Marriage of Technique & Symbolism   1 Tape for $12
A radical new technique of waxing vs. waning aspect analysis that equates the angular separation between planets with the corresponding Sabian Symbol. All planets will be shown to be in aspect with all other planets in this innovative Zodiac-based 360-degree model.

#096   Adrian Ross Duncan: Gods In Reception   1 Tape for $12
Uranus and Neptune visit each other’s territory, but isn’t it a lonely party for us humans? Looking at modern personal trends, such as the single lifestyle, scientific developments, such as cloning and current affairs, how can we get the most out of this brave new world? How will these changes affect our personal horoscopes, and the event and consultation charts we will be casting in the coming period.

#121   Maureen Ambrose and David Cochrane: The Birth Chart - Standard vs. Deviant Analysis   1 Tape for $12
Maureen will describe the basic themes in the birth charts of 3 attendees. Maureen has fine-tuned her astrological knowledge through decades of consultations, and she relies on the standard methods that most modern professional astrologers use. David will give his analysis based on a complex and sophisticated interpretation of harmonic patterns. Will David's technical wizardry fill in missing gaps, hit upon essential themes missed with standard techniques, obscure the basic themes in the chart, or prove to be completely useless? This will be an exciting experience as we probe the potential accuracy and usefulness of new astrological techniques.

2:30 PM – 3:45 PM:

#097   Greg Bogart, Ph. D: Astrology and Meditation: the Fearless Contemplation of Change   1 Tape for $12
The most powerful astrological technique is a quiet, meditative mind. We can approach astrology as a form of active meditation, contemplating whatever is arising with expectancy, receptivity, and conscious use of will to shape what unfolds. Case studies and experiential work with the birthcharts of audience members will illustrate these principles.

#098   Alan Oken: Pluto: Esoteric Ruler of Pisces   1 Tape for $12
For the next seven years, Pluto will hold dominion over Uranus. As Uranus is exalted in Pluto’s sign, Scorpio, the interchange between these two transpersonal planets will have far-reaching consequences on all of our lives.

#099   Susie Verde: Uranus in Pisces and the Re-structure of Astrology in Brazil   1 Tape for $12
Although Astrology attracts a lot of interest from the general public, the government does not regard it as an "official" profession. Recently, some effective action has been taken towards its legalization. Brazilian astrologers are currently debating if, after all, Astrology should be recognized as such or not. Uranus in Pisces should add a new momentum of action to this polemic, when it sextiles its natal position in Capricorn.

#100   John Frawley: Lunar Latitude In Love, Politics, and Prediction   1 Tape for $12
Our astrology concentrates on movements across the sky. John¹s new work explores the importance of the latitudinal motion of the Moon: its intense significance in synastry; its meaning in political charts; and its use as a predictive tool.

#101   Richard Tarnas, Ph. D: Why the Modern Mind Rejected Astrology, and What Astrologers Need to Do Today   1 Tape for $12
Astrologers know that their perspective provides an unequaled source of illumination and deeper understanding for virtually every area of human experience: personal psychology, cultural history, contemporary events, philosophy, cosmology, religion, and the arts. Yet we live in a time when that same astrology is widely regarded by the established intellectual authorities as the most lowly and absurd of superstitions. We need to understand how this truly archetypal situation emerged, and what concrete steps could now be taken to move astrology into the center of culture—where it deserves to be and perhaps someday will be.

 #102   Robert Mulligan: Uncovering Client’s Hidden Agendas   1 Tape for $12
Here are methods for recognizing and dealing with the hidden side of a consultation. We look at the dilemma astrologers are in when not allowed to deal with the real issues in a client’s life.

 #103   Pat Geisler: The Missing Piece of the Puzzle   1 Tape for $12
The progressed chart needs parallels for accurate prediction and the declination of the moon will set off plenty of action.

#104   Anita Noyes-Smith: Techno-Wizardry – Uranus in Pisces   1 Tape for $12
This is the "Uranus Opposition" to what manifested in the Sixties, the Uranus Pluto conjunction. To now the focus has been on the discovery and fulfillment of individual spiritual value. This brand of individualism is based on seeking knowledge and building the individuals’ self- respect.
As we watch Uranus move into Pisces the collective picture starts shifting in its mutual reception with Neptune…. Anita hypothesizes the shifting sands and looks at how we are revolutionizing the invisible to it’s next evolution until 2012 when Neptune enters it’s own sign, Pisces

#105   Louise Jenkins: Discover the "Mind Freeing" Process of Mercury Retrograde   1 Tape for $12
Persons born when Mercury is retrograde, process information in their own unique style. They carry on this process in a Mercury Direct world. The complexities of this mental dance can be understood by those with Mercury Direct with "mind freeing" results. My goal is to aid in changing the perception of the Mercury retrograde process as a negative condition to one of an understanding of this higher-level mental function. Once the process and inner motivation/perception is understood, it can enhance one’s grasp of other Mercury conditions to be found in natal, progressed, and in auxiliary charts.

#106   4:30 PM – 5:45 PM: Session 11: Closing and Panel on "Political Future: USA and the World"   1 Tape for $12
Suzie Verde, Hakan Kirkoglu, Roy Gillett, Monica Dimino, Grazia Mirti, Dorothy Oja, Georgia Stathis, Jim Shawvan, Elisabeth Teissier, Ph. D, Manfred Zimmel, Donna Van Toen. Moderator: Raymond Merriman.

Monday, October 13

9:30 AM – 4:00 PM: Post-conference workshops

#109   Steven Forrest: Discovering Past Lives in the Birth Chart   4 Tapes for $40
If one assumes reincarnation, it follows that the present birth chart reflects strengths and unresolved issues from prior lifetimes. Over the past few years, a set of rigorous analytic techniques have emerged which reveal those "fingerprints" in the chart. Starting with the Lunar nodes, these approaches stretch outward to integrate planetary aspects and rulerships, providing detailed - and often cathartic - past-life imagery for the client.

#110   Alan Oken: The Seven and the Twelve: An Examination of the Effects of the Seven Rays on the Twelve Signs of the Zodiac   3 Tapes for $30
This workshop presents a clear picture of the interplay between the principle exoteric and esoteric dynamics of astrology. This perspective gives the astrology student a lens in which the relationship between the soul and the personality may be seen in the natal chart.

#111   Joyce Hoen: Medical Astrology: Introducing a Concept for Working with Astrology in Issues of Health   3 Tapes for $30
A model of disease from homeopathy/natural healing (the Reckeweg system) and linking it to astrology, introducing the ‘personality’ of a disease (skin disorders and/ or rheumatism/arthritis as possible examples) and a spiritual philosophy of practicing medical astrology in general. If time permits we will also address the subject of chronic fatigue and/or alcohol-addictions, and give you a clear idea of what to really look for in a chart here (and will consistently find).

#112   Christian Borup: Horoscope and Sexoscope   3 Tapes for $30
Some planets are naturally "sexy", others are totally indifferent. Knowing how strong the need for sex, love, closeness, affection and friendship in the birthchart is gives vital clues to the joys and difficulties in partnerships and relationships. Using a new and simple method – "The Sexoscope" – developed by Christian Borup and based on the well-known rules for evaluating sex drive, this workshop explains how the level of sexuality is easily judged.

#113   Brian Clark and Glennys Lawton: Uroboros and the Heroic Cycle of the Lunar Nodes   4 Tapes for $40
The axis of the Lunar Nodes holds the signature to our destiny and spiritual calling. The challenge of this axis is clearly accessible when we understand how to integrate the conditioning of our familial and environmental past with the conscious realization of our purpose for Being. Here is the image of the uroboros: the dragon swallowing its own tail, creating the nodal events or defining points in our life cycle. In this workshop we will explore both the personal and generic cycles of the nodes as well as eclipse cycles, which are synchronous with this cycle. The workshop will be set on the mythological stage with the hero encountering the dragon.

#114   Anita Noyes-Smith: The Development of Venus   3 Tapes for $30

#116   Roy Gillett: Astrology, Karma, Buddhism and Happiness   3 Tapes for $30
The astrological chart is a map of birth karma. Its progressions and transits show karmic opportunities to heal the past and find happiness. Tibetan Buddhism is not a religious belief system. Rather it offers psychological methods to find happiness by cleansing our minds. When combined with astrology, the two together form an eminent personal and social therapy for the twenty-first century. This practical day will explain the links between the birth chart, karma and the rebirth process, using examples from a contrasting range of people and situations. Having seen that happiness comes from kind choices in life, we will try to help course members use astrology charts to find it. Discussion, explanation and short, simple meditations will be used.