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Sponsored by the University of Arizona and the Institute of Noetic Sciences
April 11 - 13, 1999  *  Tucson, Arizona



001 Transformation & Healing In the Tibetan Tradition - Khenpo Gyaltshen  1  $8.00

002 Opening Meditation - Kristobal Fimbres  1   $8.00

003 Opening Plenary Speakers and Welcome - Paul Skinner and Beverly Lanzetta  1  $8.00

004 A Vision of Spirituality, Healing and Health - Paul Skinner, Ph.D.  1  $8.00

005 Toward An Integrated Mind-Body Spirituality - John Molina, M.D.  1  $8.00

006 A Global View - Ewert Cousins, Ph.D.  1  $8.00

007 A Search for A Higher Mind - Frances Vaughan, Ph.D.   1  $8.00

008 A Search for Truth and Wisdom - Christian de Quincey, Ph.D.  1  $8.00

009 A Search for A Higher Self - Harvey Aronson, Ph.D.   1  $8.00

010 A Search for Reality: Belonging and the Universe - Nick Woolf, Ph.D.  1  $8.00

011 Spiritual Transformation and Stages of the Journey - Beverly Lanzetta, Ph.D.  1  $8.00

012 The Symbolic Imagination and Healing - Ewert Cousins, Ph.D.  1  $8.00

013 Foundations for Treating the Spiritual As More Than Psychological - Charles Tart, Ph.D.  1  $8.00

014 Grassroots Spirituality and Healing - Robert Forman, Ph.D.  1  $8.00

015 A Search for Healing: Medicine As Spiritual Practice - Jeanne Achterberg, Ph.D.  1  $8.00

016 A Search for Healing: Medicine As Spiritual Practice - Lewis Mehl-Madrona, M.D., Ph.D.  1  $8.00

017 Indigenous Approaches to Spirituality, Healing and Rhythms - Onye Onyemaechi  1  $8.00

018 Yoga: First Science of Spirituality, Healing and Health - Anoop Chandola, Ph.D.  1  $8.00

019 The Art of Traditional Mayan Curing in Yucatan, Mexico - Marianna Kunow  1  $8.00

020 Kabbalistic Healing:Historical and Contemporary Models - Jonathan Seidel, Ph.D.  1  $8.00

021 Integrating Alternative Medicine Into A Clinical Program - John Molina, M.D.  1  $8.00

022 The Healing Power of Your Sacred Self - Carlos Warter, M.D., Ph.D.  1  $8.00

023 Health As Wisdom: Embracing Life - David Russell, Ph.D.   1  $8.00

024 Medicine Buddha Practice - Cliff Leftwich  1   $8.00

025 Tuesday Opening Meditation - Onye Onyemaechi  1   $8.00

026 Spirituality: A Transformative Experience - Paul Skinner, Ph.D.  1  $8.00

027 Spiritual Communication - Hugh Prather, B.A.  1   $8.00

028 Applying Ancient Healing Wisdom to Our Relational Life: Five Powers for Partnership - John G. Sullivan, Ph.D.  1  $8.00

031 Building A Bridge for Spirituality and Consciousness - Jonathan Reams, Ed.D.  1  $8.00

032 Spiritual Aspects of Mental Health - Harvey R. Wasserman, M.D.  1  $8.00

033 Integrating Spirituality and Psychotherapy - Rev. Suzie Wolfer, MSW  1  $8.00

035 Invoking Spirituality In Medical Care - Jay Milstein   1  $8.00

036 Miraculous Healing and the Religious Imagination - James J. Preston  1  $8.00

037 Mental Illness: Not Something You Have But Something You Do - Spencer Anderson  1  $8.00

038 Healing Lessons from Natural Turbulence - Carlos Puente   1  $8.00

039 The Perennial Question: What Am I? - Peter Russell, Ph.D.   1  $8.00

040 The Perennial Question: What Am I? - Sheila Parker, Ph.D.   1  $8.00

041 The Perennial Philosophy and Wisdom: What Is Life? - Kurt Kaltreider, Ph.D.  1  $8.00

042 The Dream Of A Unified Theory: One Self and One Reality - Amit Goswami, Ph.D.  1  $8.00

043 A Search for Integration: Compassion, Oneness and Love - Joan Borysenko, Ph.D.  1  $8.00

044 Mind-Body and Spirituality: The Feminine Life Cycle - Joan Borysenko, Ph.D.  1  $8.00

045 Coyote Medicine: Native American and Western Medicine - Lewis Mehl-Madrona, M.D.  1  $8.00

046 Earth Pharmaceuticals - Pa' Ris' Ha  1  $8.00